Your SDLC Co-Pilot


Codespell uses AI to generate code, document it, fix errors, build APIs, automate tests, and set up infrastructure—right inside your IDE

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Not Just an AI Coding Assistant

Home code Assistance

Design Studio builds the foundation for your projects so you don’t have to. Auto-generate scaffolding, APIs, and infrastructure scripts tailored to your stack. No more repetitive setup—just structured, production-ready code inside your IDE.

Rocket icon

Fastrack API Development

API icon

⁠Automated API Test Script Generation

Simplify icon

Simplify Infrastructure Script Development

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AI Coding Sidekick You Can Count On

Think less about fixes, more about building. Codespell helps you document code, break down logic, improve structure, generate tests, and clean up errors - all with simple spells.






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AI Coding Sidekick

Reduce manual coding effort by < 30% to 50% > accelerating development from concept to deployment.

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Designed to Fit Right Into Your IDE
and Tech Stack

Seamlessly compatible with popular IDEs, bringing code generation and automation right to your workspace. 


Dot Net



Jet Brains

Node JS


VS Code

Visual Studio

Dot Net



Jet Brains

Node JS


VS Code

Visual Studio

Frequently asked 

View all FAQ's
What is Codespell’s unique differentiator
compared to other coding assistants?
What is Codespell’s unique
differentiator compared
to other coding assistants?
Does Codespell store any customer data?
If so, how is it encrypted?
Does Codespell store any
customer data?
If so, how is it encrypted?
 What languages does Codespell currently support?
 What IDE’s do we support?
 What languages does
Codespell currently support?
 What IDE’s do we support?

Jumpstart your software foundations
and deliver faster with confidence 

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